
Arecursivestaticrouteisarouteforwhichthenexthopislearnedfromanotherroutinglookup(forexample,dynamicprotocolorfromanotheranotherstatic ...,Recursiveroutingtakesplacewhenmultiplerouterlookupsarenecessarytodeterminetheexitinterfaceofanoutgoingpacketfromarouter.,Arecursivestaticrouteisarouteforwhichthenexthopislearnedfromanotherroutinglookup(forexample,dynamicprotocolorfromanotheranotherstatic ......

Recursive static routes

A recursive static route is a route for which the next hop is learned from another routing look up (for example, dynamic protocol or from another another static ...

Routing - what is recursive routing

Recursive routing takes place when multiple router lookups are necessary to determine the exit interface of an outgoing packet from a router.

Recursive static routes

A recursive static route is a route for which the next hop is learned from another routing look up (for example, dynamic protocol or from another another static ...

[PDF] Recursive Static Route

A recursive static route is a route whose next hop and the destination network are covered by another learned route in the Routing Information Base (RIB). Such ...

Can someone explain to me the purpose of a Recursive Static Route?

A recursive route in general is one that points to a next-hop which isn't directly connected to the router - the router needs to do a second ...

How do I configure a ipv4 recursive static route? : rnetworking

A recursive route is simply one that points to another route in your routing table instead of to a directly connected link.

Types of Static Route

Recursive static routes require the next-hop IP address to exist in the routing table to install the static route. If the static route route ...

What is recursive static route

評分 5.0 (2) A recursive static route relies on the next hop router in order for packets to be. sent to its destination. A recursive static route requires two routing ...